Thursday, June 18, 2009

Can I please get a do over!

This week has been terrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so tired of writing things here that seem to just be me whinning. Anyway.......remember last week I wrote about the taxes not being in yet? Well, it turns out that some company has garnished the whole tax return to pay a debt that we didn't even know we had. So now I am just mad! I am exhausted and mad!

I am ready to be a better person. Better finances, better physically, more educated and standing on my own two feet and it doesn't seem like I can get there from here no matter how hard I try. I want a home I can be proud of. I want all the bills paid with some left over for savings. I want my kids to have everything they need and some of what they want. I want a relationship with my husband that is passionate and is a partnership that is full of rich communication and mutual respect. I want to help teenagers with life and lead them to Christ through my example. I rebuke Satan in my life and the life of my family through the power of Jesus name. You have no power here and cannot claim the security of my family. Whew......I feel better now. I speak those good things into our family and claim them.

The Lord always has a way of helping me gain perspective with music and I wanted to put these lyrics up so that I could read them and other can hopefully find encouragement from them. The song that I heard is one that has been around for a while and to some degree over used but today God spoke to me through it.......

So here ya go.......

I was sure by now,
God, that You would have reached down and wiped our tears away,
stepped in and saved the day.
But once again, I say amen and it's still raining
as the thunder rolls I barely hear You whisper through the rain, "I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls I raise my hands and praise the God who gives and takes away.

And I'll praise you in this storm
and I will lift my hands
for You are who You are no matter where I am
and every tear I've cried You hold in your hand
You never left my side and though my heart is torn
I will praise You in this storm

I remember when I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to You and raised me up again
my strength is almost gone
how can I carry on if I can't find You
and as the thunder rolls I barely hear You whisper through the rain "I'm with you"
and as Your mercy falls I raise my hands and praise the God who gives and takes away


I lift my eyes onto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth
I lift my eyes onto the hills where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth


I know, I seems that I am sulking. are probably right! I was told by a sister that it is ok for a little while. I reiterate......I just want to be better in so many ways.

1 comment:

  1. Despite the trials and struggles, God is using you in ways that you may not even realize. If He answered every prayer and gave us everything we wanted, when we wanted, then we'd take it for granted and not call upon him....because we wouldn't 'need' for anything. Not that I need to be one preaching, but I'm learning that everything is provided by God in His Will...not mine. I'm learning not to worry - as he'll take care of us. It doesn't say my bank account will be plentiful, but it says that He'll take care of us....ok..ok...I'll stop!!!
    You've been an inspiration to me and my family. I am ever grateful that we joined the same life group (not a coincidence) and that we have our family at Momentum...God is Great!!!
